Pokemon Sacred Gold Documentation
After completing a few initial tasks for Professor Elm, he offers us. Jan 9, 2018 - NDS Rom/Heart Gold Hack: Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver v1.1 by Drayano - Added Fairy Type, Sacred Gold and Storm Silver are the fourth set of hacks/edits I've done now.

Name: Pokemon Blaze Black
Remake by: Drayano
Remake from: Pokemon Black
Source: Click here!
Pokémon Blaze Black and Pokémon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokémon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokémon, allowing a player a large amount of variety. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. They are the spiritual successor of my two other hacks, Pokémon Fire Red Omega and Pokémon Spirit Gold. Blaze Black and Volt White were also – with one minor exception – the first of their kind to be made.
I should mention that with the exception of things normally different between Black and White such as Black City, White Forest, the legendary focus and the appearance of Opelucid City, the two games are identical.
- Nov 26, 2011 Documentation for Sacred Gold? Posted by 4 years ago. Documentation for Sacred Gold? I'm playing through Sacred Gold and I haven't been able to find any guides for where the legendaries are, how the evolutions all work, the locations of all the pokemon, stuff like that. I had no problem finding this stuff for BB2 so I feel.
- Sep 24, 2018 Pokemon SACRED GOLD & STORM SILVER Action Replay Codes September 24, 2018 by Pokemoner.com This document serves as a reference guide to some useful codes for Sacred Gold and Storm Silver designed for ease of gameplay.
- If you're interested in playing Pokemon Sacred Gold or Pokemon Storm Silver, you can download the patches and documentations below. The information within the documentations can be used to further this wiki, so feelfree to use them. Be wary you will need to patch a currently existing Soul Silver/ Heart Gold NDS file. Patches and Documentations.

Specific Features:
As aforementioned, the hack allows you to catch all 649 Pokémon in some way or another. This is unaffected by the version chosen to play; encounters are the same in both.
Every single trainer in the game has had their Pokémon edited, fitting a new level curve and increasing the difficulty overall. While not mind crushingly tough, they're sure to provide more of a challenge than the original games were able to. The level curve takes full advantage of the new experience system in Black and White.
A vast number of Pokémon have had certain statistics about them edited. This can be a number of things, including experience rate, typing, base stats and abilities. A lot of Pokémon have been given their Dream World abilities as an option, where applicable and/or useful.
Pokémon have also had additions to their moveset, including additions or alterations to their level up movesets as well as TM and HM compatibility. Level up movesets in particular have been edited for 600+ Pokémon.
There has also been editing of many evolutions, generally involving those Pokémon who generally had to be traded to be evolved. Blaze Black and Volt White are entirely self-contained; no outside contact is required for anything.
Items found in the field have been changed considerably, to include TMs, evolution items and fossils previously only found post-League. The items have been adjusted in such a way that makes it convenient for the game's progress. Where applicable, text has also been changed to reflect these changes. Multiples of certain items, such as the evolution stones, the Lucky Egg and the EXP Share are also given out, all in the name of convenience.
It isn't just trainers and wild Pokémon who have had their levels changed; event Pokémon such as Reshiram and Zekrom have also had their levels changed, ensuring that they don't become useless due to the sharp increase in levels.
All five in-game trades have also been edited, giving you new possibilities for your team.
A small number of attacks have also been changed to make them more useful, generally in terms of power (and rarely, type).
A number of documents are included with the download that allow you to see any and all changes made. Wondering what's new? Where to find something? Consult the guides!
Frosty's General Sacred Character Guide for Noobs, Graphic Walkthru of Ancaria, Maps on Regions, Towns, Portals, and Campaign point A to B. Ifa w 50 manual. Guide to Armor Glow and Resistance Bonuses, Modified by Myles from an old test thread in Sacred Official Forum. How To Add Widd to Your Build, Best Damage Mod in Sacred. 3.- Sacred gold is an old game, and by default its maximum resolution is 1024x768. If you want to play at maximum screen resolution, improve game performance.
- The exp is weirdly low from certain high levelled opponents. This is to do with the game, though, and is not fixable.
- It appears to be possible for an error to occur at Driftveil from repeated fishing then leaving. https://downcfil106.weebly.com/sqlpro-for-mysql-1-0-12-download-free.html. not sure about this one, but be sure to save around there just in case.
Version Clarification
The Full version of the hack is the whole thing; the Wild changes, the trainer changes, the Pokemon changes, the item changes, absolutely everything. Mouse jiggler for mac. The Clean version takes out some of the content, so that the actual Pokemon, their level up moves and attacks are left unchanged. Trainers are edited from their Full version counterparts to clear up any inconsistencies done through adding new techniques in the Full version.

Mac compatible usb flash drive.
Cheat Codes/Walkthrough:

Pokemon Sacred Gold Trainer Documentation
Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Pokemon Changes
Pokemon Sacred Gold Documentation
Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Level Up Move ChangesPokemon Sacred Gold Documentation
Pokemon Fusion Platinum (Pokemon Platinum Hack) is a remake of the original Pokemon Platinum game due to two ROM hacker nicknames Grillo and Lugre. The story of the game remains the same with the original version, participating in the game you will be free to explore the fictional Sinnoh area including many different small islands. Here you’ll come across brand new Pokemon never seen before with a total of 493 different types, they are a combination of many types of Pokemon together to create many unique shapes.
Pokemon Sacred Gold Trainer Documentation
– 493 pokemon, Generation 1, 2, 3, 4.
– All Pokémon are mergers.
– Changed Pokémon hits.