MegaGames - founded in 1998, is a comprehensive hardcore gaming resource covering PC, Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Mobile Games, News, Trainers, Mods, Videos, Fixes, Patches. Power of Chaos Joey the PassionDescargar Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Joey The Passion -. Power of Chaos joey The Passion Gameplay. In this gameplay I demonstrate a very strong deck which you can use when dueling online. You can watch the. Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion, a really nice strategy game sold in 2004 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play an anime / manga, cards, licensed title and trading / collectible card video game title. Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion, a really nice strategy game sold in 2004 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play an anime / manga, cards, licensed title and trading / collectible card video game title.
If you were around in the early 2000’s then you probably remember the craze that was Yu-Gi-Oh. A trading card game that would take the world by storm. The game would spawn an anime series, countless tournaments and events, amass a multitude of fans and also, a series of gaming titles bearing the licence would emerge. One of which being Yu-Gi-Oh: Power Of Chaos.
This game, seeing as it is set with its roots so prominently into the series, plays exactly how you would expect. It feels like you’re playing the actual card game only in a digital form. Though, if you want to be pedantic about it, you can say it plays like other card games like Gwent, Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering.
Bare bones

This title comes in an era where you can play Duel links, a game for mobile that plays as competently as any fully licensed game in the series. Plus following very well formed titles such as Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses or Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters: Sealed Memories to name a few. So its staggering to see just how little this title has to offer.
Akin to the likes of free cell or solitaire, this title allows for a somewhat component way to play the card game against the AI. However what is shocking considering the games that have come before, is that this is all there is, there is no campaign, no multiplayer a seemingly no semblance of a development team that care about the franchise.
Some progression
The game does have some sort of motivation to proceed despite its lack of features. Download kmsauto lite portable v1 2 1 zip. Though again, this lacks any level of nuance or flair. The simple premise is you get given a random deck to duel with and as you win games, you get more cards and battle harder opponents. In the most loose sense of the word we suppose it is technically a game. Though, it is one that lacks any soul and presents a real lack of respect for the series.To the games credit though, it does offer a high-resolution UI. Allowing for slick and fast gameplay. Plus, the developers at least thought it a good idea to include a tutorial mode which allows newcomers to come to terms with the battle system and find some level of enjoyment from this hollow title.
A potential Cash Grab
What this game does it does reasonably well. The presentation is good, the gameplay is quick and snappy. The progression, well, it exists. Though other than this there is so little to praise or even condemn and this acts as its own condemnation. The fact that this game has been undone by titles on the PS1 or the Game Boy Advance titles speaks volumes.
This seems like what Activision did with the Tony Hawks licence. They were losing the rights and threw out a broken game with the name on it to sell copies. Though Konami have held the rights to this franchise for the longest time and produce so many great versions too. So it seems alien for them to produce such a flop with no flair or personality. It’s a shame for PC players that have not been treated to a Yu-Gi-Oh title, they deserved better. Though if you are a PC player dying to get your hands on a Yu-Gi-Oh title for your library. It’s better than nothing we guess.
Overall rating: 4

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey the PassionDevelopers |
Release dates |
Windows | July 2, 2004 |
Taxonomy |
Modes | Singleplayer, Multiplayer |
Pacing | Turn-based |
Perspectives | Top-down view |
Controls | Menu-based |
Genres | CCG |
Art styles | Anime |
Series | Yu-Gi-Oh! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny | 2003 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge | 2004 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion | 2004 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Online | 2005 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena | 2014 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist | 2016 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links | 2017 |
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution | 2020 |
- 2Game data
- 2.2Save game data location
- 5Audio settings
- 6Issues fixed
- 8Network
- 9Other information

Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos Joey The Passion Save File Download Free
Source | DRM | Notes | Keys | OS |
Retail | SecuROM v5 DRM |
Game data[edit]
Configuration file(s) location[edit]
Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos Joey The Passion Save File Download Mp3
Save game data location[edit]
System | Location |
Windows | <path-to-game>.Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common*.ydr[Note 1] <path-to-game>.Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common*.ydc <path-to-game>.Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Commonsystem.dat |
- See Game Progress & Saved Decks.
Game Progress & Saved Decks[edit]
- The game creates a Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common folder in the folder that also contains the <path-to-game>
The following types of files can be found in there:
files contain recorded demos..ydc
files contain saved decks.- The
file is related to the game progress.
Game Progress Transfer/Backup[1] |
- Open the Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common folder.
- Copy any decks you want (
.ydc files) along with system.dat and place them in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Common folder on the target PC (Overwrite if necessary). If it does not exist there, make sure to launch the game at least once or search for the folder, in case it was created somewhere else. - Edit the registry.
- Find the game's registry entry. Default:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREKONAMIYu-Gi-Oh! Power Of Chaossystem flcrc contains a hex representation related to the game progress.CommonDir contains the path to the game's common folder.- Search for the game's registry entry on the target PC.
- Either edit the
flcrc key manually to match the one of your source PC, or create a .reg file on your source PC by rightclicking on the system folder and choosing 'Export' and open it up on your target PC to automatically add the registry key. Bear in mind that the CommonDir may differ however, depending on your installation path, so you may have to modify the path after all.
Notes - This method works for all the Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos games, seen as they share one common folder and registry entry.
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Video settings[edit]
Graphics feature | State | Notes |
Widescreen resolution |
Multi-monitor |
Ultra-widescreen |
4K Ultra HD |
Field of view (FOV) |
Windowed |
Borderless fullscreen windowed | See the glossary page for potential workarounds. |
Anisotropic filtering (AF) |
Anti-aliasing (AA) |
Vertical sync (Vsync) |
60 FPS | Normally Capped at 30 FPS. The -speedy start parameter sets the cap to 60 instead. Which also doubles the game speed. |
120+ FPS |
Input settings[edit]
Keyboard and mouse | State | Notes |
Remapping | See the glossary page for potential workarounds. |
Mouse acceleration |
Mouse sensitivity |
Mouse input in menus |
Mouse Y-axis inversion |
Controller |
Controller support |
Audio settings[edit]
Audio feature | State | Notes |
Separate volume controls |
Surround sound |
Subtitles |
Closed captions |
Mute on focus lost |

Language | UI | Audio | Sub | Notes |
English |
Hungarian | Fan translation, Download |
Issues fixed[edit]
Not working in window mode[edit]
- The game may refuse to run or simply crash in window mode.
Disable Desktop Composition[2] |
- Open the game's compatibility settings.
- Check Disable desktop composition

Start Parameters[edit]
Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos Joey The Passion Save File Download
List of start parameters[3] |
- The game supports a range of start parameters. See the list below:
- -Lspa => Game text is Spanish.
- -Lita => Game text is Italian.
- -Lfra => Game text is French.
- -Lger => Game text is German.
- -Leng => Game text is English.
- -Ljpn => Game text is Japanese.
- -fps => FPS tracker appears in upper-left corner
- -speedy => Faster animations (60 FPS cap)
- -e => Use software emulation for rendering
- -h => Use hardware rendering
- -nosound => Disable game sound
- -win => Run in windowed mode
- -16 => Run in full screen 16 bit color mode
- -24 => Run in full screen 24 bit color mode
- -32 => Run in full screen 32 bit color mode
Multiplayer types
Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos Joey The Passion Save File Download Torrent
Type | Native | Players | Notes |
Local play |
LAN play | 2 |
Online play |
Other information[edit]
Executable | 32-bit | 64-bit | Notes |
Windows |
System requirements[edit]
Windows |
Minimum | Recommended |
Operating system (OS) | 98, 2000, ME, XP |
Processor (CPU) | Intel Pentium II 450 MHz | Pentium III 650 MHz |
System memory (RAM) | 128 MB | 512 MB |
Hard disk drive (HDD) | 500 MB |
- ↑When running this game without elevated privileges (Run as administrator option), write operations against a location below
, or %WINDIR%
might be redirected to %LOCALAPPDATA%VirtualStore
on Windows Vista and later (more details).
- ↑Explanation on
- ↑Tested by Nessy
- ↑Start Parameters on